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Community Radio Development


The realization of the transformation of people who are independent in the social, economic and cultural fields that are democratic and respect the diversity of their customs, carry out the development of the preservation of the surrounding natural environment, is a very important vision for community radio (Rakom) which makes radio a medium for learning and developing community potential. and their environment in creating a society that is intelligent, critical and aware of their role as members of the community.

Various activities were carried out by the MITRA FM community radio in Hamparan Perak, SAR FM in Sei Sijenggi, Serdang Bedagai, SALAM FM in Sei Lepan, Langkat, and radio under the credit union (CU) Amarta FM in Air Hitam, Leidong, Lauhan Batu Utara. (Labura), both regular on air activities, radio broadcasts with material for enlightening and educating the public, live broadcasts from places of various activities, mass dialogues in the studio yard on Earth Day moments, the environment, folk culture, etc. Off air activities, among others; art and cultural performances, tree planting for reforestation (conservation for community logging), mutual cooperation in order to improve and clean the environment, etc. This is done to realize the transformation of the people who are independent by applying the principles of energy and society/cooperation with the community forum (association).


1. Media Transformasi Rakyat (MITRA) FM

2. Suara Akar Rumput (SAR) FM

3. Salam FM

4. Amarta FM

5. Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia (JRKI)

6. Suara Komunitas



Desa Penerap SID di Sumut

Data Kelompok

Kab/Kota Lk Pr Jlh Jlh Kel
Langkat 173 142 315 12
Binjai 26 31 57 3
Deli Serdang 783 766 1549 31
Serdang Bedagai 815 620 1435 49
Tebing Tinggi 36 126 162 5
Batu Bara 26 170 196 5
Lab Batu Uatara 490 306 796 2
Jumlah 2349 2161 4510 107