History & Legality
The birth of Indonesian Rural Skills Development (BITRA Indonesia) was led by 5 young people (at that time), they were; Soekirman, Wahyudhi, Sabirin, Swaldi and Listiani, based on siding with the poor, weak, underprivileged and disadvantaged, especially those in rural areas and marginalized. Based on these thoughts and alignments, since 1986, BITRA Indonesia has started to carry out rural human resource development activities in North Sumatra.
BITRA Indonesia is a social, non-profit institution, commonly called a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) or Non Government Organization (NGO), as it is internationally known. Initially BITRA Indonesia was in the form of a paguyuban (an association without a legal entity), then changed and registered into a Foundation, in 1992. BITRA Indonesia Plenary Meeting in February 2005, BITRA chose the form of legal entity to be a Foundation, then BITRA Indonesia was standardized into a social institution that has a legal entity, based on in Law number 28 of 2004 concerning Amendments to Law number 16 of 2001, concerning Foundations, in 2007.
Then it was renewed again through the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) RI with General Legal Administration number: AHU-0000129.AH.01.05. 2019. With the long name “Indonesian Rural Skills Development Foundation”, abbreviated YABITRAPI, but in daily terms, we still use the name “BITRA Indonesia”.
Values & Principles
The development of dignified human resources is the most important aspect in efforts to advance a nation. For this reason, Indonesian Rural Skills Development, commonly abbreviated as BITRA Indonesia, upholds the following basic values and principles:
1 Democratic Democracy in decision-making processes.
2 Transparent Having open management in terms of information, recruitment and finance.
3 Justice & Gender Equality In terms of access, control and benefits.
4 Pluralism Respect and appreciate diversity as a nation’s cultural wealth.
5 Non-discriminatory Does not differentiate treatment on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation and disability.
6 Humanist Upholding human values.
7 Supporting the Marginalized In developing its work programs, Bitra ensures that the marginalized are the main beneficiaries.
8 Non-Profit If there is work profit, it is used to support the organization’s operations and program development.
9 Anti-Violence Not practicing physical and psychological violence in work within the organization or in relation to other parties.
10 Participative Individuals play an active role in the process or flow of the program stages and their supervision, starting from the socialization stage, planning implementation, and continuing activities by contributing ideas, energy or in the form of materials.
11 Non Partisan Bitra as an organization is not affiliated to any political party, but Bitra activists can become members of a political party without utilizing organizational resources.
12 Professionals Have expertise and skills in their fields.
13 Accountable Able to account for the work performed and the utilization of managed resources.
14 Environmentally minded Protecting the environment and using organizational resources effectively and efficiently.
15 Social Inclusion Striving to place the dignity and independence of the individual as the main capital to achieve an ideal quality of life and contribute to the collectivity.
Note: The basic values adopted by BITRA Indonesia are the changes/revisions of the strategic planning (SP) October 2018.
BITRA Indonesia Foundation
Jl. Bahagia By Pass No 11/35 Medan 20218, Indonesia
Phone: 62-61-7876428. Fax: 62-61-7876408
Email: office@bitra.or.id / Alternative Email: bitraindo@gmail.com
Website: www.bitra.or.id