TC Kebun Polikultur (TCSS)

TC PPPT Mangga Dua

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Past Supporting Partners & Experience


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Past Supporting Partners & Experience


Experience, Cooperation, Activities & Achievements

Overcoming the problem of water shortages for food crop farmers by constructing pumped irrigation by mutual cooperation (active participation) of assisted farmers in Ibus-ibus village, Serdang Bedagai (formerly Deli Serdang) for 67 hectares of agricultural land, in 1991. And Tandem Hilir II village , Deli Serdang for an area of ​​34 ha, in 1994.
In 1990, resurrected a dormant food crop farming area (uncultivated since 1970 due to myths and crop failure), covering an area of ​​± 1000 Ha, in the villages of Bogak Besar and Pematang Kuala, Teluk Mengkudu District, Serdang Bedagai (formerly Deli Serdang).
Overcoming the difficulty of clean water for residents/remote villages by developing media/technical tools for the provision of clean water for one village of Kotarih, Deli Serdang.
Overcoming communication and interaction difficulties between residents to exchange experiences and information in 12 sub-districts, 5 districts by building 4 community radios for information centers and community social change.
Together with the BITRA Consortium, Conservation International Indonesia (CII), and the Mandailing Natal district government, they encouraged the establishment of the Batang Gadis National Park (TNBG) in Mandailing Natal, covering an area of ​​108,000 hectares, in 2004.
Won advocacy on land/agricultural food for the people of Anggrek hamlet, Ramunia village, Deli Serdang in a dispute with Puskopad A DAM I Bukit Barisan, covering an area of ​​65 hectares. 1996.; Advocacy for 8 years for 71 families of the victims of the construction of the Kuala Namu International Airport, Kuala Namu village, Deli Serdang; At least 14 community land advocacy in North Sumatra from 1989 to 2009.
Carrying and being awarded the award for Mrs. Ngatini (a rural woman who fought for the land) from the hamlet of Anggrek, Ramunia, Deli Serdang, the award was bestowed by the Women’s World Summit Foundation (WWSF), in 2000.
Established the Sayum Sabah Training Center (TCSS) a training center and a pilot mixed crop garden (polyculture) for assisted communities and the general public covering an area of ​​4.4 hectares in Sayum Sabah village, Sibolangit, Deli Serdang. Polyculture is a mixed community garden that has a very high environmental carrying capacity, in 1997.
Established a People’s Credit Bank (BPR) for the People in Lubuk Pakan, Deli Serdang, for access to small and micro businesses & the general public in terms of capital, in 2005.
Encouraging and establishing a one-stop and cheap licensing service office for the people (especially small and micro businesses) at the Serdang Bedagai district government.
Encourage more effective licensing services for small and micro business actors and the general public, in 7 districts in Nangro Aceh Darussalam (Singkil, Simeulue, Southwest Aceh, Bener Meriah, Southeast Aceh, Aceh Besar and Beureuen districts).
Encouraging the participation of rural women in development planning and gender budgeting in 21 villages in Serdang Bedagai district.
Conduct policy advocacy by proposing (legal drafting) regional regulations (Perda) Limiting the Transfer of Functions of Agricultural Land for Food and Perda on Organic Agriculture, in Serdang Bedagai district. And the Wampu Watershed Management Regional Regulation (DAS) in Langkat district.
Making a breakthrough with the auction market system for farmers of mixed crop plantations (polyculture) in the Sibolangit highlands, establishing 4 cocoa and rubber marketing groups in Langkat Regency and Deli Serdang
Reforestation/reforestation of critical land in watersheds (DAS) in 3 districts (Langkat, Deli Serdang & Serdang Bedagai) with a mixed crop garden pattern with an area of ​​300 hectares.
Assisting medium, small, and micro businesses from 1996 to 2004. And establishing the North Sumatra Small and Medium Enterprises Regional Forum (Forda UKM) and the National Small and Medium Enterprises Forum (Fornas UKM).
Conducting various researches to support performance and as a scientific basis for policy advocacy, including issues of conservation, environment, village independence and development, organic farming, traditional medicine, homeworkers, rice and coffee farming.
Until 2017, it has succeeded in building 45 Credit Union (CU) groups with 906 members.
Succeeded in giving birth to 25 people (14 women) who have expertise in providing traditional medicine at home, clinics, and other health care practices.
In 2014-2017 has succeeded in expanding organic farming land by 14.2 hectares and harvesting dry rice 75.32 tons, planting 000 trees with an area of ​​122 hectares in the Sei Ular, Sei Deli and Sei Wampu watersheds.
Encouraging the birth of Independent, Independent and strong People’s Organizations at the people’s level, including SPSB, Serbila, APASU, FORMASI, SPR-Sejahtera with 4456 members.
In 2015 he received an award from the Asean Secretariat as an NGO which was considered consistent and meritorious in the field of Rural Development and Poverty Eradication at The Second Leadership Award on Rural Development and Poverty Eradic.



Desa Penerap SID di Sumut

Data Kelompok

Kab/Kota Lk Pr Jlh Jlh Kel
Langkat 173 142 315 12
Binjai 26 31 57 3
Deli Serdang 783 766 1549 31
Serdang Bedagai 815 620 1435 49
Tebing Tinggi 36 126 162 5
Batu Bara 26 170 196 5
Lab Batu Uatara 490 306 796 2
Jumlah 2349 2161 4510 107