TC Kebun Polikultur (TCSS)

TC PPPT Mangga Dua

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Journalist Citizen


The column “Jusnalism” is a publication of news, articles and various types of writing, which is an expression of the residents assisted by BITRA Indonesia which we call “Journalists of Citizens” and general citizens in rural areas, both communities who are alumni of writing training, (commonly called basic journalism training). organized by BITRA Indonesia and the general public who are interested in writing.

Assisted residents can express various forms of problems, solutions and creations through the “citizen reporter” culture on this page. Articles submitted by residents are also referred to be published by people’s convergence media such as “Suara Komunitas” and will be published in print for a limited number of people in the “Bitranet” newsletter.



Desa Penerap SID di Sumut

Data Kelompok

Kab/Kota Lk Pr Jlh Jlh Kel
Langkat 173 142 315 12
Binjai 26 31 57 3
Deli Serdang 783 766 1549 31
Serdang Bedagai 815 620 1435 49
Tebing Tinggi 36 126 162 5
Batu Bara 26 170 196 5
Lab Batu Uatara 490 306 796 2
Jumlah 2349 2161 4510 107